What Planet is This?

25 Jul 2005

Finnegans Wake Weekly

In May 2004, John Cowan stated that Finnegans Wake is "actually very readable", and to demonstrate to us he went through a passage like a hurry-me-o'er-the-hazy, explaining it all. So I sent him an email recently challenging him to be held to his words. The idea I'd come up with is to send him an excerpt from Finnegans Wake every week, and have him explain the meaning and references. The result is On Finnegans Wake, a weblog which we both run, and which will be updated weekly with a challenge and answer following the format above.

Incidentally, the "an email" link above is a Message-ID URI, which isn't of much use unless you have the original email. But I found out that Gmail allows you to find emails based on their Message-ID, as long as you've not mentioned the mid in lots of other emails of course, so it's at least useful to John and me.

Cite: Palmer, S.B. (2005). "Finnegans Wake Weekly", in: What Planet is This?
Archival URI: http://inamidst.com/notes/fwweekly


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